How to Choose a Nebulizer

Ingeniatrics Tecnologías S.L. offers three models of nebulizers design of any manufacturer, with each model ideally suited to a variety of applications.
The use of the MultiNeb® nebulizer with Agilent AVS valve systems and SPS4 autosampler with online internal calibration technique

It is well known that the 6 and 7-port Advanced Valve System (AVS) reduces the cost per analysis and more than doubles the productivity of your Agilent ICP-OES.
HPLC-ICP-MS coupling for mercury speciation in seafood. A performance comparison between MassNeb® and Micromist® nebulizers

For speciation analysis using the HPLCICP-MS analytical approach, Ingeniatrics Tecnologias S.L. has released a specific one-piece connector for OneNeb® or MassNeb®
Chromium speciation in waste waters by HPLC-ICPMS. Performance comparison between MassNeb® and Micromist® nebulizers

In this study, we evaluate the performance of MassNeb® inert, robustness and durability nebulizer combined with a One-Piece High Pressure specific connector for speciation analysis by HPLC-ICP-MS in comparison
Performance comparison in the analysis of geological samples by ICP-OES using two novel nebulizers: MassNeb® and Micromist®

In this study, we compare the performance of MassNeb® inert, robustness and durability nebulizer manufactured by Ingeniatrics Tecnologías S.L.
MultiNeb®: Arsenic speciation in foods and human biological fluids using HPLC-ICP-MS by online internal standard correction technique

We evaluate in this study the performance of MultiNeb® inert, robustness and durability nebulizer and a specific connector for speciation analysis designed by Ingeniatrics Tecnologías S.L. for analytical methodologies based on the use of HPLC-ICP-MS for speciation analysis.
Performance comparison in selenoproteins quantification by 2D-LCSE-AF-ICP-QqQ-MS in human serum using two different nebulizers: MultiNeb® and MicroMist®

In this study, we compare the performance of Micromist® and MultiNeb® nebulizers for analytical methodologies optimized in this Application Note for total selenium quantification by IDA-ICP-QqQ-MS
MultiNeb®: Precision and reproducibility in gold determination in geological samples using ICP-OES after fire assay procedure

In this study, we compare the performance of OneNeb® and MultiNeb® inert, robust and durable nebulizers (designed and manufactured by Ingeniatrics Technologies) for analytical methodologies based on ICP-OES for gold determination
Analysis of wear metals in lubricating oils using the new MultiNeb® in ICP-OES

The new MultiNeb is an innovative nebulizer for plasma-based techniques that eliminates the carbon deposits on the tulip torch and at the tip of the injector caused by the high organic solvent load in ICP-OES
Ultra trace level measurement of barium by ICP-MS after application of alkaline sodium fusion

This note tests the potential of alkali fusion for the analysis of Baxs using an ICP-MS coupled to a new high efficiency nebulizer.